Limited Edition Princess Sessions
How many times have you thought to yourself, "I don't want my kids to grow up." I often watch my youngest daughter play "pretend" with her stuffed animals and absorb the innocent beauty of it. I know that her stuffed animals will soon be replaced with cell phones and trips to the mall to hang with her friends. Let's face it, our children will grow up, and they'll do it a lot faster than we would like.
That's why it is so important to cherish every moment that we can right now!
These princess sessions are designed to capture your child's imagination as it is right now. There is nothing more magical than watching your child put on a shiny, shimmery dress and step into a pretend world of wonder. She gets a sparkle in her eye, a skip in her step and then she TWIRLS. A pretty dress and sparkly crown changes HER world. It magically transforms her into a princess in a far away kingdom. Watching that happen is beautiful - that is the magic of childhood. Don't miss this opportunity to capture it, bottle it up and keep it forever with beautiful artistic photographs.
Sunday September 10, 2017
Highland Park , NJ.
Ages 1-14
Dress Options
The Artisan Folio
This gorgeous handmade folio is included with each session!
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Royal Add Ons
This session is guaranteed to create images that need to be displayed in PRINT! I have personally chosen some gorgeous ways to present these priceless memories.
PRE-ORDER BONUS! If you pre-order one of these Royal Products when you book the session, you will receive a complimentary Mobile App of all the final edited images so you can access your images on the go and electronically share them with friends and family! All products will be on display the day of the session and may be purchased through your online gallery. The mobile app, however, is only available with the pre-order.
How many children does the session include? One.
How much does it cost? The session fee is $300. This includes a short session, FIVE fully edited, high resolution digital images and a gorgeous Artisan Folio with two fine art prints. You may add additional products to your session if desired.
Can I keep the dress? The dress rental is included in the session fee. If you love the dress, you may purchase it for an additional $45.00
What about siblings? You may add on ONE additional sibling for $125 which includes the dress & prop rental. You will also receive an additional digital (Total of SIX). Images will include two of each child separately and two of them together (depending on cooperation and willingness to pose together). You will choose which two images to include in your Artisan Folio.
What if it rains? The rain date will be the following Sunday - September 17th. You will keep the same time originally booked.
What if I'm not available for the rain date? Please only book if you can make the rain date or are willing to forfeit your deposit.
Will there be hair and make up? No, please come with clean hair - no makeup needed!
When & how much do I pay? $100 is due at the time of booking to hold your spot and order the dress in your child's size. The remaining balance will be due one week prior to the session date.