On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a Pandemic.
This pandemic will have long-lasting, possibly permanent effects, on our economy, healthcare, travel, schooling, relationships, and everyday lives.
Our doctors, nurses, and other front-line workers are now in a never-ending war-zone. Every day they must risk their lives (and their family’s lives) in order to provide the much-needed care of those affected by this virus. This is only part of the gear that provides some safety for them. Imagine wearing this 8-14 hours per day? The partial everyday gear of an E.R. Doctor.
Our new “normal” is anything but. It includes always maintaining a distance of 6ft from anyone who does not live in our home, wearing gloves and masks when we shop or interact with other humans. It requires our children to learn virtually, us to work virtually. It has halted our favorite sports and pastimes. It produces stress, anxiety, fear, and loneliness. Our entire sense of “community” is threatened and ultimately undergoing a massive and fundamental change.
This is the face of our new “normal”.
This is no-doubt a monumental time in our lives and this is my way of documenting a small piece of history.
I will continue to document masked faces in my community.